The Ultimate Survival Guide to IMEX America

The Ultimate Survival Guide to IMEX America

The Ultimate Survival Guide to IMEX America: How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) at the Event Industry's Biggest Shindig

We're gearing up for IMEX America – the Coachella of the meetings and events industry. If you've never been, picture a small city's worth of event professionals descending on Las Vegas, all armed with business cards and a burning desire to network. Overwhelming? You bet. But with this guide, you'll be navigating IMEX like a pro.

Pre-Event Planning: Your Secret Weapon

First things first – don't even think about winging it. IMEX is like the Olympics of networking, and you need to train.

Register Early: Registering early isn't just about crossing a task off your list. It's your golden ticket to exclusive opportunities. Want to get into that coveted session with the industry guru everyone's talking about? Early bird gets the... well, you know.

Download the Event App: It's 2024, folks. If you're still relying on a paper schedule, you might as well show up with a carrier pigeon. The IMEX app is your new best friend.

In the app you’ll find:

- An interactive floor plan to guide you around the show
- 150+ education sessions to choose from
- Essential show information
- Your schedule and meeting details
- Free lead scanning for easy data capture
- Exhibitor Directory featuring all 3,000+ exhibiting companies
- Networking activities and events
- News Hub for all the news from IMEX throughout the show

It'll help you track sessions, build a schedule, and connect with exhibitors. You can also just head over to the IMEX website to set up your profile.

Shout It from the Digital Rooftops: Once you're registered, it's time to let the world know.

Grab one of our snazzy "I'm Attending" graphics from the IMEX website and plaster it all over your social media. It's like a bat signal for event pros.

And if you're exhibiting? Even better! Announce your booth number with "I'm Exhibiting" posters. Don't forget to mention any special activities you're hosting. Demos, happy hours, interpretive dance performances – whatever you've got planned, tease it. It's all about building that pre-show buzz.

Use event hashtags liberally – #IMEXAmerica2024 should be your new best friend.

Set Clear Goals: What do you want to achieve at IMEX? Networking? Learning? Closing deals? All of the above? Define your goals now, or you'll end up like a kid in a candy store – overwhelmed and potentially sick from too many sweets (or in this case, connections).

Set some concrete targets for yourself. Are you on the hunt for new suppliers or exotic destinations for your next big event? Eager to geek out over the latest event tech that'll make your life easier? Or maybe you're looking to grow your contact book?

Once you've nailed down your 'why,' it's time to craft your elevator pitch. Think of it as your personal tagline, but longer and hopefully more interesting. Here's what you need to cover:

  1. Who: Introduce yourself.
  2. Where: Explain your company and what it does.
  3. What: Describe your solutions.

If you're a buyer, remember you're here to do business. The IMEX Exhibitor Directory is your Holy Grail. It goes live at the end of August, and it's more user-friendly than your favorite dating app. Use it to plan your meetings and maximize your #IMEXperience. Trust me, your future self will thank you when you're not running around like a headless chicken on the show floor.

Remember, having clear goals isn't just about being productive – it's about making sure you don't miss out on the good stuff while you're busy collecting free pens. (Although, let's be honest, who doesn't love a good branded pen?)

Research Exhibitors & Sessions: You don't want to be that person frantically scrolling through the exhibitor list five minutes before the doors open. Do your homework. Know who you want to meet and what you want to learn. Your future self will thank you. The IMEX app and website has all the information you need to make sure you are well-prepared and ready for the big day!

IMEX is huge. And the exhibit hall is where dreams are made, deals are struck, and feet are blistered. Make it count. Here's how to conquer it:

Prioritize Your Schedule: Identify your "must-attend" sessions, keynote speakers, and networking events. Everything else is gravy.

If you're attending as a buyer, it's time to channel your inner matchmaker and book those all-important face-to-face encounters. Aim for six to eight meetings per day. It may sound like a lot, but it's the sweet spot between "productive networking" and "I've forgotten my own name.

Remember, these meetings are your chance to squeeze every drop of value from your #IMEXperience. Use them wisely, and you might just find your next game-changing partnership or that perfect venue for your dream event.

Break Your Day Into Chunks: Divide your time between meetings, sessions, and exploring the exhibit hall. Also, IMEX has over 150 free education sessions. Pick a few sessions and add them to your schedule. Remember to pace yourself. It's a marathon, not a sprint. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, head over to one of the many quiet spaces they have, grab a cup of coffee and recharge.

Map Out the Exhibit Hall: The exhibit hall is like a labyrinth designed by event professionals. In other words, it's expertly laid out but can still be confusing as heck. Study the map. Identify key booths and zones. Maybe leave a trail of breadcrumbs. Whatever works. Check out the areas showcasing new products, startups, or industry innovations. It's like a glimpse into the future of events. Spoiler alert: the future involves a lot of tech and sustainability.

Utilize the Hosted Buyer Program: For exhibitors, this is your chance to have dedicated meetings with top buyers. It's like speed dating but for business. And hopefully less awkward. Ask insightful questions. Actively engage with buyers, in and outside of your booth.

Maximizing Networking Opportunities: Your Ticket to Event Stardom

Networking at IMEX is an art form. Here's how to paint your masterpiece:

Leverage Networking Tools: IMEX's matchmaking tools are like Tinder for event pros. Set up those meetings in advance. With your IMEX account, you can schedule meetings with exhibitors, see a full attendee list, plan education and activities to attend, and message other attendees. 

Join Networking Events: From big receptions to smaller industry meetups, these events are where the magic happens. Yes, they can be intimidating. But remember, everyone's in the same boat. A boat filled with awkward small talk and potentially great connections. IMEX isn't just a trade show; it's a non-stop networking extravaganza disguised as a series of fun activities:

  1. IMEXrun: Lace up those sneakers and join the morning run. Kick off your Wednesday with a 5km fun run as the sun peeks over the Las Vegas skyline. Nothing says "networking opportunity" quite like bonding over your mutual regret at signing up for a pre-dawn physical activity. Who knows? Your next big client might be the person panting next to you at the finish line.
  2. MPI Foundation Rendezvous: For those who believe networking is best done after dark, this evening event is your jam. Expand your network and mix with the industry’s best and brightest.
  3. SITE NITE North America: Held at Topgolf Las Vegas, this is the hottest ticket in town. Perfect your swing while making invaluable connections, all with a stunning view of the Las Vegas Strip. With a 1:1 buyer/supplier ratio, it's a goldmine for business opportunities.
  4. MPI Tee Party and MPI Foundation Golf Day: If you're itching to hit the links, you're in luck. These events combine your love for golf with prime networking opportunities. Who knows? You might just close your next big deal on the 18th hole.

Self-Care During the Event: Because You Can't Network If You're Passed Out

IMEX can be grueling. Here's how to survive and thrive:

Wear Comfortable Shoes: I cannot stress this enough. This is not the time to break in those new designer loafers. Your feet will thank you, and so will the person sitting next to you in sessions.

Stay Hydrated & Snack Wisely: Bring a refillable water bottle to avoid the cost and waste of disposable ones, and ensure you're always hydrated throughout the day. Pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, or energy bars to keep your energy levels up and avoid the temptation of unhealthy options.

Find Your Zen Zone: IMEX has got your back when it comes to mental health and well-being. Here are two sanctuaries you'll want to know about:

  1. The Quiet Space Lounge: Located outside the Hall next to the Bayside E/F entrance, this is your personal oasis in the desert of networking. It's perfect for introverts, over-stimulated extroverts, or anyone who needs a moment to take a breath.
  2. The Resilience Room: Found at #BF111 (also near the Bayside E/F entrance), this space is open daily from 9:30am - 5:00pm. It's like a spa for your psyche, designed to boost your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Feeling overwhelmed? Sensory overload? The Resilience Room has got you covered with tools and resources to help you bounce back.

Post-Event Follow-Up: Don't Let Your Hard Work Go to Waste

The event might be over, but your work isn't:

Organize Your Contacts: Sort through your connections ASAP. Before you forget who's who and end up sending a "Great to meet you at IMEX" email to your cousin Bob.

Leverage Post-Event Resources: Revisit recorded sessions, speaker decks, and shared resources. It's like a greatest hits album of the event.

Send Thank-You Notes: Quick notes of appreciation go a long way. It's the professional equivalent of a post-date text. Show them you care.

In conclusion, surviving IMEX America is all about strategy, stamina, and a sense of humor. Plan ahead, network like your career depends on it (because it kind of does), and don't forget to breathe. With this guide, you're not just going to survive IMEX – you're going to own it.

Don't forget to catch up with us at E1331, where we'll be exhibiting on the stand of Arc International. We'll be showcasing our line of products, everything you need to jazz up your event from the beginning to end - AI-powered photo distribution to event marketing posters, multi-zone face check in, fun AI avatars and so much more! Be sure to drop by!

Remember, what happens in Vegas... ends up being incredibly valuable for your professional development. Now go forth and conquer IMEX like the event pro you are.