How to Use Premagic Photo Selection

How to Use Premagic Photo Selection

Getting your photos shortlisted by your clients is undoubtedly a tedious process. Premagic’s photo selection tool helps smoothen the task by means of digital selection of the photographs. Clients can easily select their required photographs without having to download or upload heavy files or jot down a long list of filenames.

Here is how it works :

1. After logging into your Premagic app, the photographer can start by creating an event. Enter a Project Name (eg. Aman Weds Priya) and click on Create Project.

2. Upload the folder consisting of the event photographs by clicking on Choose Folder or just dragging and dropping the required folder into the upload section. Our software ensures quick uploads by compressing the image to a lower resolution.

6. Once the upload has been completed, using the Bulk Delete Files feature allows you to delete similar or unnecessary images. The project folders can be duplicated and new folders can be added for different occasions. Setting a Selection Limit provides the client with a minimum number of photos that should be selected.

You are now ready to share the images with your client. Enter the client’s basic details on the popup and click Share With Client. You can choose to share by Whatsapp or Email or both.

7. Once you click on Share With Client, your client will receive a secure link on Whatsapp and Email requesting them to select their preferred photographs for the album. They will also be sent a PIN number that will allow them to access the Selection album. This link is valid for a period of 6 months. A copy of this email will be sent to your mail-id as well.

8. Your client can then review and select their required photographs. They can even mark certain photos as important, to imply that they need to be presented prominently in the album. After this, the photographs are sent back to you. You will receive a notification via email and Whatsapp. You can find these images under Selected Photos.

9. Now simply click on Save Photos to retract only the selected photographs in its original resolution back into your system within a single folder. The images marked as Important will get saved in a separate folder. You will also receive a list of the filenames of all the selected photos that can be used for Lightroom plugin. Once all the files have been downloaded, you can archive the project to remove all the photographs from the software and free up storage.